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#WERESOLVE is a movement seeking to amass thousands of voices pledging to stand together in love in order to combat antisemitism.

#WERESOLVE Petition Signup

Act Now! Our GOAL for 2021 is 75,000 signatures.

Antisemitism is an attack on me, my faith, and my community — and it must be stopped. My faith demands that I resist all forms of bigotry, but especially bigotry against the people who first taught the world that all men and women deserve life, freedom, and equality under God.

I resolve to educate myself and others about anti-Jewish hatred and to confront that hatred wherever I see it.

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The story of antisemitism is not just something of history books but also of headlines. In 2019, instances of antisemitic action escalated to a record high, with a 56 percent increase in assaults, according to a study conducted by the Anti-Defamation League. A similar study by the FBI found antisemitism to be the leading form of religion-based hatred in the United States by a significant margin.

There is no denying the issue, only refusing to be part of the solution. With the We Resolve campaign, Christians all over the world are rushing to the front lines of the fight against antisemitism.

#WeResolve opposes every form of discrimination but insists that the special hatred of antisemitism demands a special response.

In a time when we have seen many courageous and loving acts, we have also seen the epidemic of antisemitism surging in new ways. As most sectors of public life shut down in early March, antisemitic attacks have continued to surge.

In recent days, synagogues have been desecrated with swastikas, and the Jewish people have been accused of creating, spreading, and profiting from the coronavirus.

The problem persists, but so do we.

On this site, you will see videos of influential voices supporting the #WeResolve campaign as well as testimonies from actual victims of antisemitism.

It is our collective responsibility to recognize the patterns of hate-based prejudice and how this mentality is accepted and exploited.

Christians in the United States and around the globe have the numbers, the platform, and the responsibility to counteract the hateful actions of the few. Together, let us fight hate, combat any act of antisemitism, and make sure the evil of antisemitism NEVER AGAIN escalates to the levels seen in the Holocaust.

Let us resolve to show our friendship in practical ways. Let us commit to educating ourselves, our families and our communities about the monumental contributions that the Jewish people have made to our society and Christian faith. Let us work to build relationships with Jews and let them know that we stand with them in these difficult times. Let us educate our fellow Christians and others about the dangers posed by antisemitism.

Our Christian faith demands that we confront hatred of all kinds, and especially hatred of the very people who first taught the world that all human beings possess the right to life, freedom, and equality.

By saying to the world, not only in words but in actions, that WE RESOLVE to confront antisemitism in every expression and form, we live out our faith in its proper form. As the adage says: “What starts with the Jews, never ends with the Jews.” Today the hateful acts are against this community, tomorrow they might be against yours.

Let us stand in solidarity and end this scourge of hate with friendship in action.


Want to learn more?

Head to the #WeResolve resource page via The Philos Project to learn more about antisemitism today, get resources to share with your community, and help us fight this important battle.

Thank You To Our Mobilizing Partners