Special Projects

Over the years, Philos has developed and trained leaders to play important roles in starting special projects.

These projects flow from our mission and the passion and expertise of our growing leaders. These are a few of the successful projects that have spun off to be their own organizations and strategic partners with Philos.

Philos Catholic

Philos Catholic seeks to build bridges between the Eastern and Western Catholic Church and positively reengage with the Near East. This is accomplished by cultivating dialogue and friendship between Catholics, Near Eastern Christians, Muslims, and Jews through education and in-person fact-finding trips.

Along with promoting positive Christian engagement in the Near East, one of Philos Catholic's primary goals is to help Catholics develop a Hebraic worldview by educating the Catholic community on our Near Eastern roots.

Philos Latino

Philos Latino is the official representative of US Hispanic communities and Latin America, engaging leaders by creating content and leading initiatives that help build a community of leaders that promote positive Christian engagement in the near east. You can learn more about Philos Latino by following our weekly Radio Program Philos Conecta and social media platforms.

Charles Malik Institute

The Charles Malik Institute (CMI) trains future leaders in applied principled statesmanship using the life and writings of Lebanese philosopher and diplomat Charles Malik. CMI training emphasizes decision-making in crisis situations with a special awareness of the social, religious, and cultural forces that drive human affairs. Malikian statecraft strives to balance domestic and foreign, universal and particular, spiritual and physical in ways that generate tangible good for the nation-state, its neighbors, and humanity at large. Our programming includes seminars and workshops, academic conferences, and dissemination of Malik’s vast (and largely unpublished) body of work.

Philos Black

Philos Black is cultivating Black Christian leaders for positive global engagement.

Philos Action League

The Philos Action League is a membership community of Christians who are committed to showing up, physically, in solidarity and friendship with the Jewish community when an act of antisemitism happens.

Abraham's Missing Child

Abraham’s Missing Child Initiative is a series of 3 convenings in 3 countries over the course of 12 months, at which Near Eastern Christian leaders will gather with Israeli Jews and Arab Muslims to discuss practical ways to strengthen indigenous Christian communities in the region. This innovative and groundbreaking approach to the age-old question of minorities of the region is redefining the way that Muslims, Christians, and Jews can work together.

Partner Organizations

Passages Israel

Through a nine-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land and intensive post-trip education, Passages Israel strengthens the faith of American Christian college students, connects them to Israel, and prepares them for a life of Christ-centered leadership.

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