March 28, 2024

Luke Moon is Executive Director of the Philos Project

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by Luke Moon

Dear Philos Network,


I am excited to announce that I have been appointed Executive Director of the Philos Project! As I have been at the Philos Project since our founding in 2014, this is a natural transition. I am excited to begin a new chapter at Philos — the next ten years.


For the last decade, Robert Nicholson has led the helm of the Philos ship, sharpened our vision and focus along the way, and brought many of you into this network we call the Philos family. As Robert departs, we are grateful for his service and wish him well in the coming months and years.


As we embark on this exciting new chapter, I humbly ask for your prayers and your support. With friends and supporters like you, we can make a profound impact connecting Christians to their roots in the Near East and bolstering Christian support for Israel.


Thank you for being part of the Philos family.


Luke Moon