April 5, 2024
Unveiling the double standard: Why Christians and Jews are told to ‘toughen up’
Back to Allby Liza Ashley, Director of the Charles Malik Institute
This past weekend, as millions of Christians throughout the world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ, anti-Israel protestors disrupted an Easter Vigil at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, and the White House declared Easter Sunday “Trans Day of Visibility.” But many of these same people, who seem to have no regard for Christian or Jewish High Holy Days, have been agitating for a Ramadan Ceasefire — exhibiting a clear double standard for religious considerations.
During the highest mass of the liturgical year, wherein traditional services begin in darkness and slowly come into light to commemorate Jesus’ victory over death and Hell, some zealous anti-Israel protestors marched through the nave of the church to cover the altar with signs and disrupt the liturgy.
On Good Friday, as Christians memorialize Christ’s crucifixion, President Biden, “by virtue of the authority vested in [him] by the Constitution and the laws of the United States,” proclaimed an official Trans Day of Visibility — with celebrations on Easter Sunday. This, of course, turns the holiest day in the Christian calendar into another celebration of an anthropology that conflicts with orthodox Christianity.