October 20, 2022 Who are the Kurdish people? And what are the implications of their presence in Iran, the larger Middle East? Hadeel Oueis, Senior Research Fellow
June 6, 2022 Seriousness of Turkish threats against northern Syria and US administration stance Hadeel Oueis, Senior Research Fellow
March 4, 2022 The Levantine Greeks: The Hellenic Republic should Recognize its Forgotten Greeks in Syria and other countries Hadeel Oueis, Senior Research Fellow
June 5, 2017 Jerusalem Notebook: On the Golden Anniversary of the Six-Day War, We Remember a Time of Miracles Useful Group
April 10, 2017 Jerusalem Notebook: Passover – The Remembrance of Suffering, Enslavement and God-Given Freedom Useful Group
August 4, 2015 Jerusalem Notebook: Saturday People, Sunday People and the Wings of Eagles. Useful Group